Left from Phnom Penh at 2:00PM on 11 May 2011 to Kampong Cham province to do the SMS evaluation. SMS will using for health center staff send TB suspect case information to the laboratory and when laboratory staff got the result of smear testing, they will send back this result via SMS to health center staff and village volunteer staff. so when health center staff or village volunteer receive this message, they can contact with TB suspect for treatment and do consultant.
Below is the instructions.
1- Instruction for laboratory staff sending result to health center

and we got SMS results:

2- Instruction for laboratory staff sending result to health center
1st Instruction:
We got SMS result as follow:

Below is the instructions.
1- Instruction for laboratory staff sending result to health center
and we got SMS results:
It mean that TB patien name Sman Sos did the follow up at month5(C5) with result15 bar. he live in village Preak Yourn (03), Sex Male(1) and age 75 years old.
It mean that TB suspect name Navy do his first testing found the result in smear1 is negative (D1-), smear2 negative (D2-) and smear3 is 10 bar (D310). This TB suspect live in village Kien Chrey Knong (02), Sex Female(2), Age 35 years old.
2- Instruction for laboratory staff sending result to health center
1st Instruction:
It mean that TB suspect name Dara with the smear code 214 from village Pramat Dei, Age 62, Sex: Male.
2nd Instruction:
It mean that TB suspect name Sokchea with smear cold 52 from village colde 09 sex male and age 47 years old.
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